Stress Bump Tea for Forehead
Stress Bump Tea for Forehead
Thinking too much? Feeling reactive? Body tissues not healing well? Stress Bump for Forehead tea uses herbs that reduce histamine over-action while boosting lymphatic movement which encouraging the histamine “itchiness” to exit through urinary flow instead of your skin. In addition, Gotu Kola is known to encourage healthy regrowth of tissues and increase circulation to the brain.
How does this Work?
The skin can function as an organ of elimination. Your body has four pathways for removal of the daily toxins that it creates (or may be exposed to): bowel movements, urine, breath, or the skin. If elimination from the first three are impaired, this debris manifests as lumps and bumps under your skin!
Our stress bumps teas are designed to improve lymphatic flow in addition to encouraging the body to dump metabolic debris from specific body functions into the urinary system in order for it to be gently removed.
Mental Health Note:
Because it is more active than most of the herbs we recommend, pregnant women and anyone taking SSRI medications should consult their health care provider before using anything internally with Gotu Kola. A tea is not a substitute for a good therapist.