Spas & Aestheticians
Supportive Skin Care
Through these trainings in Supportive Skin Care, we aim to provide a simple yet thorough guide to the methods we have developed and teach at Brooklyn Herborium. These are the same methods and techniques our staff and clients have been using since 2006 to achieve beautiful, healthy skin while enjoying the process.
Many of our clients come to us after years (maybe decades of) skin problems that have left them scarred and scared of trying something else. They have been through countless programs that attempt to force the skin into submission: readily available from drugstores, beauty counters, spas, and doctors. They are looking for answers that conventional medicine doesn’t have the time or framework to provide. Within weeks of working with us, they notice a distinct difference in their skin. Within months there is a visible improvement of texture and a reduction in amount of breakouts. After 6 months to a year, they are so satisfied with their simple and lovely skincare rituals that it would be unthinkable to go back to their old ways.
Supportive Skin Care May Be For You If ...
- You believe that just “under control” isn’t the best you can do for your skin.
- You respect authentic science, yet recognize that there is a world of wisdom that far surpasses scientific studies.
- You want to avoid artificial chemicals and preservatives by using clean & natural skin care products.
- You love the idea of DIY but you just can’t seem to “make it work” for you.
- You understand that working with the body’s Natural Intelligence gets quicker results because you are not working against nature.
- You are willing to look beyond the mainstream ideas of beauty and skincare that are fueled by industry and media.
- You want your skin care to be simple, leaving you more time, energy, and resources to do the great things you are made to do in this lifetime.

Holistic Aesthetician Apprenticeship
We have been nurturing and mentoring holistic aestheticians since 2010. If our processes and methods speak to you and you want to delve deeply into the type of holistic wisdom we practice, an apprenticeship may be right for you. We work with practitioners on an in-person and remote basis. Please inquire for more details.

Please inquire for more information