Stress Bump Tea for Chin
Stress Bump Tea For Chin
When your body has more hormones than it can utilize, it finds ways of “getting rid” of the excess. One such way is by moving it out through the skin. Stress bumps on the chin may be related to this action in relation to reproductive hormones. The Stress Bump for Chin tea uses herbs that boost lymphatic flow as well as herbs that bond to the excess and pseudo-estrogens: encouraging them to exit through urinary flow instead of your skin. May be helpful when trying to improve your fertility, though contraindicated during pregnancy.
How does this Work?
The skin can function as an organ of elimination. Your body has four pathways for removal of the daily toxins that it creates (or may be exposed to): bowel movements, urine, breath, or the skin. If elimination from the first three are impaired, this debris manifests as lumps and bumps under your skin!
Our stress bumps teas are designed to improve lymphatic flow in addition to encouraging the body to dump metabolic debris from specific body functions into the urinary system in order for it to be gently removed.