Facial Massage Guides
ABCD: Four Types of Facials Massage
Daily Maintenance, Weekly Rituals, Monthly Rejuvenation, Incredible Results
When you use The Alignment Technique to align the body and mind to connect with spirit, you are taking a moment to intentionally address the parasympathetic nervous system and support metabolic harmony. You may use this technique any time you need it.
The Breakdown Technique is an excellent addition to your Weekly Ritual, drawing the immune system’s attention to topical growth patterns we wish to address by making the skin “slightly nervous and slightly excited.”
The Contour Technique unlocks the body’s infinite healing potential—addressing renewal in the underlying build of the face , by releasing tightened fascia. We do not recommend using this technique more often than once within each moon cycle. Possibly the best use may be to have it as part of your Professional Services.
Make a point to use The Drainage Technique as part of your morning and evening rituals to gently manipulate the lymph into moving away from stagnated areas, taking out the trash.