功能性面部护理 II 级

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功能性面部 II 级
90 分钟 | 319 美元

• 整体咨询与分析
• 清洁
• 与香草一起蒸(视情况而定)
• 手动清除碎片(提取,包括视情况而定的粟粒症)
• 定制、手工混合的护理面膜
• 治疗按摩可促进整体活力(面部穴位刺激和淋巴引流)


系列 6 提供 20% 折扣。

The Science

At Brooklyn Herborium, we have created specialized treatments that utilize LED Phototherapy within a holistic paradigm to encourage the skin to renew in an upward spiral, starting at the cellular level. The process introduces specific wavelengths of energy to the skin. These diodes have been extensively studied over 30 years and have been clinically shown to improve cellular performance by triggering a natural biostimulatory effect in human tissue. This research indicates that as cells absorb particles of light (photons), they create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the form of energy that cells utilize. The resulting elevation of ATP is then used to power the metabolic processes that synthesize the DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, and other products needed to repair or regenerate cell components, foster mitosis or cell proliferation, and restore homeostasis.

Our estheticians are experts in using our pro-level phototherapy equipment holistically to increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, decrease inflammation, and reduce pathogenic microbial activity. Your practitioner will work with you to develop a plan that prioritizes your individual needs while supporting your desires, schedule, and budget. 

Not for people who are currently experiencing breakouts due to barrier damage, reactivity, or microbiome imbalances. No retinol products for at least two weeks before the appointment and one week following. For best results, we recommend specific aftercare in the month following this service. 

Premature Aging
